Sunday, February 10, 2013

Valentine's Blog hop

My Best Valentine's date ever was about a year before my now husband and I got engaged. He had thought of everything, he made me a mix cd of some of our favorite songs (to this day when I hear Such Great Heights by The Postal Service, I think of that night.) and made reservations at my favorite place. It was perfect. He was perfect. He even took me shopping for jewelry and bought me a pretty ring for my left hand (not an engagement ring, that came a year later.)
After a long walk on the beach together, looking at the stars and talking about life and the future, I knew it would be forever. That was almost 10 years ago and we're still going strong. That Valentine's date cemented the fact that we were meant to be together. I'm more in love than ever before, and I'm proud to call him my husband.

What are your best/worst Valentine's date memories????

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Follow along an enter the other contests too, we have some awesome authors involved!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Worst Valentine: Started out as dinner, got a necklace, then Dumped all on Valentines Day and during dinner!

  2. My best was the very first Valentines I spent with my husband. All I can say is it was "magickal"!

  3. The hubs and I were really strapped for cash on our 3rd Valentine's Day together, 2nd one that we were married. I was pregnant (two weeks from giving birth actually). So the hubs burns me a cd of the songs that made him think of me and us. Corny yes but my most prized gift from him even after all of these years.


  4. best was getting big box of candy

  5. Best V Date involved a nice bottle of wine, a rose, and a long talk. :D

  6. My best was when I recived flowers at work.

  7. I actually have no solid memory of a "real" Valentines Date with a partner. How sad is that? I guess the worst and the best one would be the one I actually remember. I was the third wheel going to Texas Roadhouse with my best friend and her boyfriend. Don't ask why that is the only one that stands out!

    Best wishes,

  8. My best valentine's was the one right before my wedding. I was busy working and planning the wedding while my now husband was traveling 3 out of 4 weeks of the month for his job. He wasn't home that year, so he ordered a giant basket from an online company. My mom met up with me to look at reception halls and gave me my gift, which filled the trunk of my Toyota corolla. It was so sweet.

  9. Most Awkward: My first boyfriend and I started dating a couple of weeks before Valentine's Day.....Do you know how hard it is to buy a gift that is not too mushy or to find a Card for Valentine's Day that does not say I LOVE YOU!! To have to celebrate with someone you have only been seeing for a couple of weeks (and we lived in different towns so we had only actually been out probably 3 times)and he showed up with a dozen red roses. talk about awkard.

  10. I actually avoid this particular holiday altogether romance doesn't sounds as great as it does in books.

  11. My best would be our first Valentine's Day as a married couple. We got married a few days prior to V-Day. Hubby was due to deploy again to Afghan, I was pregnant again with our second daughter and we were having a troubled pregnancy, again, as with our first daughter (rip my darlings), he has no family, so no one sat on his side of the aisle, until my family agreed to sit on his site to show their support for him too, which was lovely, his mam and dad had not long passed away, rightly the day should have been horrendous with everything that was going on under the surface, but, it wasn't. It was magical. Mind you, we were flat out in bed by 7pm! So all of the traditional wedding night stuff went straight out the window, we were shattered LOL and obviously I was ill with the pregnancy. Now I look back and remember it with joy. For that 45minutes or so of the ceremony, I was genuinely happy and felt on top of the world, like everything was gonna be perfect, although he'd lost his family, and our first daughter, and problems with the pregnancy with our second daughter, man, it's so hard to describe. It was just perfect. The negatives just couldn't touch us for that short time, we were walking on clouds. It was magic. Even if I did fall up the aisle over my dress. It wasn't graceful in the slightest either, my Dad kept stepping on it whilst he was walking beside me and eventually it tippled me over - and no one got it on video, gutted! It was a great day. Years later not a day goes by where we don't say we love each other, on a morning when he goes to work, at dinner time when he heads back to work after his lunch, at tea time when he comes home, and at bedtime. Somehow, we just work. It's my own fairytale. Not everyone gets that chance in life.

  12. The Worst valentines day for me was in 2008. my hubby forgot valentines day i was so hurt and what made it worse was when he got to work and realized what day it was he jumped on facebook and wished all his women friends a happy valentines day. When he called me on his break I was so hurt I tried so hard not to cry. I told him it was so convenient for him to forget his own wife on valentines day and to rub salt in the wound he wishes everyone else a happy valentines day before he tells it to his own wife. He pops of with im sorry im going to stop by wal-mart after work and get you something I told him where he could stuff it too. Now I know what your thinking he was trying to make up for it well this is how it is he works nights so by the time he got off work it would have been feb. 15th the day after valentines day and all wal-mart would have is nasty wilted flowers and damaged boxes of chocolates. Really would you want that? No I dont think so.... I ment so little to him and there is no way he forgot what day it was i had given him his gift he totally blew me off. So I informed him that i didnt want his crappy stuff and even if he did buy it to me it would have ment nothing because valentines day was over and he didnt love me enough to even bother with it but others were more important to him ( yes I went there he grabbed 2 cheap candy hearts for 2 of his female co-workers) at all so his bed mate for the next 2 weeks maybe longer would be the couch. Lets just say my husband never forgets valentines day and he never buys any co-workers chocolates any more either cause he had a rough month that year lol.

  13. My worst was just before my divorce when my ex decided it was fun to humiliate me even more.

    Best is always and forever with my now 2nd husband, the love of my life and always there during my disease with everlasting support, love and little sweet gestures during the year, because it has to be Valentine always not just one day he says :)

  14. My worst was in 7th grade when my "boyfriend" broke up with me.

  15. candlelit dinner followed with a candlelit bath....etc

    Thanks for the chance to win!
