Friday, October 31, 2014

Death Fricassee Release Day

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Want a recipe for disaster? Take one thirty-something food columnist, living the high life as the youngest resident of a Florida retirement community in the house she inherited from her grandmother. Sprinkle with early-bird specials and nights of bingo.

Add one college professor-turned-novelist, seasoned heavily with deep, dark secrets sprung from a night of drunken fun that left him changed in ways he doesn't understand.

Toss in a dash of murder that rocks a quiet community.

And heat until neither one can deny their growing attraction to each other.

Best served hot with a side of wicked humor and a glass of Pinot Grigio.

Bon Appetit!


Death Fricassee is Book One in the brand-new Recipe for Death series. This is

adult paramystery: supernatural, a little lighter, a little more fun. Still lots of heat

and of course, just enough romance to keep it interesting!


Buy the book: iBooks/Amazon/BN/Kobo/Smashwords

  Tawdra Kandle writes romance, in just about all its forms. She loves unlikely pairings, strong women, sexy guys, hot love TK03scenes and just enough conflict to make it interesting. Her books run from YA paranormal romance (THE KING SERIES), through NA paranormal and contemporary romance (THE SERENDIPITY DUET, PERFECT DISH DUO, THE ONE TRILOGY) to adult contemporary and paramystery romance (CRYSTAL COVE BOOKS and RECIPE FOR DEATH SERIES). She lives in central Florida with a husband, kids, sweet pup and too many cats. And yeah, she rocks purple hair.   Follow Tawdra on Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Instagram Visit her Website and subscribe to her Newsletter for special content and giveaways!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Never Let Me Go Part 1 Release Day!

Yay release day is finally here!! I so cannot wait for you all to meet Grace and Logan!! Hope you love it!!

One night. That’s all it was supposed to be. No strings. No complications. 

Grace DeLeo didn’t do one night stands. She was a relationship girl through and through. All of that went out the window when she met Logan in a bar while he was in town on business. 

Logan McFadden liked his no strings lifestyle. He loved his rules. Everything had a place, and there was no space for a relationship or feelings. 

One night. That’s all it took to change things forever.


Join the release event on 10/27

Friday, October 24, 2014

Hexed by Stephanie Nelson Release Day

Hexed Everything and everyone has an expiration date, including Gwen Sparks. When Dorian, the Angel of Death, saved her, he did more than bend the rules: he shattered them.

When Gwen’s memories are stolen, the balance of life and death shifts, and magic goes on the fritz. Dorian realizes that even the angel of Death must face consequences for his mistakes. Everything and everyone has an expiration date, and time is running out for Gwen. If they don’t find a solution, Gwen’s borrowed time will come to an end, and Dorian will lose the woman he risked everything for.

Both will have to make a life-changing decision. Dorian’s choice will result in either altering his very existence or losing Gwen forever. Gwen will risk everything to right Dorian’s wrong, and her decision may just result in her death.

This book includes an Aiden Blake short story. You've heard Gwen's side. Now hear his.

Reading Order
Craved - Amazon / Barnes and Noble / Only $.99 ebook Audio book - Audible Deceived - Amazon /Barnes & Noble /Audio book - Audible
Coveted - Amazon / Barnes & Noble /Audio book : Audible
Amazon / Barnes and Noble /

Due to sexual content and language, this book is intended for readers 18+ Stephanie Nelson is giving away a signed set of her series to one lucky winner. Open to US residents ends Nov 7 @ 11:59 PM EST

Monday, October 20, 2014

Do I Bother You At Night Blast and Interview with Troy Aaron Ratliff


Do I Bother You at Night_Ebook
Do I Bother You At Night is Celebrating It's One Year Anniversary On October 4th! To thank all his loyal readers Troy is giving away a Caseable Kindle Folio from his new online store Tribal Style Design to one reader during the blast! Book Blurb: They say nothing ever happens in Kansas. Sylvester Petersen used to think so too. That is, until a mysterious new neighbor moves in next door, seemingly out of nowhere. His handful of friends – people who tried to help him cope with the sudden death of his wife – think that it might be an opportunity for him to get reacquainted with the world outside his farmhouse and to build a new relationship with his neighbor. But that idea is soon snuffed out as strange events begin to happen around him. None of them wrong. Just strange: driving in the middle of the night, the sulfur-like odor coming off of him, the fact he doesn’t talk to anyone in the area. And what about that dog? Sylvester chooses the logical explanation and ignores the peculiar behavior. But when other oddities start to happen – the kind that affects Sylvester directly – he begins to worry. His reasoning dwindles and his growing fear points to his neighbor. Where is that stray dog going? After enough time, Sylvester starts to see and hear what the people of the area have been muttering about: Unexplainable blue light, corn crops moving on their own…the slaughtered cattle entirely too close to home. And that stray dog that keeps getting fatter and fatter… At the peak of summer, and with the walls closing in, Sylvester experiences something that will take him to the brink and haunt you forever. Bathed in loss, terror and human spirit, Do I Bother You at Night? will be a story you won’t forget and one that will give you a few restless evenings of your own. Love thy neighbor. "Do I Bother You At Night? by Troy Aaron Ratliff not only can be put on a list of one of my favorite frightening stories, it climbs near the peak of the mountain. Things happen in this story that made even a reader as jaded and hard to impress as me jump in my seat." - Alex Kimmell, author of The Key To Everything "As we know from his short fiction, Troy Aaron Ratliff revels - to our colorful benefit - in turning the ordinary on its head, often in terrifyingly plausible ways. In this, his first novel, he stretches into the realm of the supernatural, but of course, it continues to feel just as plausible because of the vivid characters at the heart of the story. Do I Bother You at Night? will stay with you for many nights." Mike Robinson, Author of The Prince of Earth and The Green-Eyed Monster

Buy on Amazon

troy freeTroy's Book Little Bernie's Map Will be FREE on Amazon October 4th - 8th! The world is a funny place with funny people and some things just happen for no reason at all. Still, every family deserves a vacation, a break, even when times are tough and backs are against the wall. Daniel, a recently out-of-work family man, is returning home with his wife and child from a lovely prescheduled vacation before they must face the harsh reality back home. What they would never have expected was the surreal nightmare they would experience on their journey back. Buy on Amazon


About the author:

troySPACE OCTOPUSTroy Aaron Ratliff was born and raised in Hamilton, Ohio and self educated in writing, art, photography, and voice impersonations. When he's not reading, writing, sketching, or cooking up his next monstrosity, you can generally find him defending the galaxy from the forces of evil, feeding hippopotamuses, dining with foreign dignitaries and Zen masters, waking up to his supermodel wife, altering the space-time inter-dimensional warp or, more than likely, stuck in traffic somewhere in Southern California on his magic carpet.

Interview with Troy:

1. When did you start writing?

I didn't really have a magical moment where I decided to sit down and start writing. I started reading adult novels when I was about 11, and they immediately spoke to me, challenging me, "You can do this too!  Just try it!”  I can point the finger to King and Crichton as the two sparks, but the real fire was the building emotions of growing up and them wanting to get out, wanting to express myself creatively.  I don’t come from the richest family in the world with a father who worked in a paper mill, but I recognized very early the elegant poetry in a paper mill worker having a published writer for a son.  After that, I never really stopped. 

2. Do you have a favorite fictional character? (from your book or not)

It would have to be Sylvester, though I loved writing Dustin, the comic relief of the story.  It was a fun exercise, and - not to wander off topic - I could let people know that even though I’m a horror writer, I have a pulse, a personality, and a sense of humor.  You’d be surprised how many people I’ve met - even at writing conferences - who have told me “they’ve always wondered what a horror writer looks like”, but I digress.
Plus, I wanted Sylvester to be the everyman going through something very real and relatable to the reader.  Sylvester isn’t gifted with a special ability, or lives in a penthouse off of Park Ave. and worth millions.  He’s a regular Midwestern American man trying to cope with life and what is thrown at him.  I believe that in writing, and particularly with writing of the fantastical - like horror and dark fiction - the best way the reader accepts the writer’s looming supernatural reality as true is to write a convincing and real story.  In turn, this makes the boogieman all the more blood-chilling and terrifying when they come around.  In order to accept the impossible, the possible must be undeniable.

3. Favorite writing snack?

I’m a big eater, but I actually don’t like eating when I write.  I barely like to drink anything either.  I usually like to focus entirely on the story and where I’m at in my head when I’m writing.  With that said, the magic elixir of coffee is a pretty solid go-to for a favorite writing drink.  Unless I’m feeling a little Bukowski, then it’s straight to the rum!

4. If you could sit down with any author living or dead and have a chat who would it be and why?

Living: Keith Richards, because...well, he's Keith Richards.  Do I really need to explain how unbelievable that convo would be?  

Dead: I would have to say Michael Crichton.  I've looked up to him and his intellect for years.  I don't even think I would ask him so much about his writing, but his other experiences, if he ever thought about writing a sequel to his magnificently exotic bio Travels, or where he sees our world going in the next 75 to 100 years, and what he wishes he could have written about before he died.  And, if I'm speaking to a dead person in the present sense, what would pique his interest now, going into 2015.

5. Shameless plug time, what's next for you?

I recently took a break from writing and opened an online store called Tribal Style Design ( that features my floral, mandala, and tribal themed artwork on a variety of products ranging from skateboards and keychains to throw pillows and iPhone pouches.  It's all very colorful and fun.  I’ve been so writing focus over the past few years that I felt my art skills were going to waste.   I just recently announced it but I've been working on it for most of 2014 and am excited to see its growth.  And not to worry my writing fans, I hope to publish two, possibility three more short stories in the coming year.   And I have a series idea that I’m working on too that I want to start finalizing.

Find Troy on:

Website | Google+ | Literary Addicts | Goodreads | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

Check out the Book Trailer

Author Interview with Troy

Troy is giving away any choice from the following link of Caseable Kindle Folio from his new online store Tribal Style Design to one reader during the blast. teal_mandala_cases_for_the_kindle-r8e8423469885444cbe16f698c63d3555_ftd28_8byvr_324 Fill out the form below to enter

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

This Spells Trouble by Olivia Hardin Cover Reveal

This Spells Trouble (2)It took some work, but Lynlee Lincoln has finally found balance between her life as a witch and her relationship with Beck Hale. A human boyfriend with two kids wasn’t something she ever planned, but their new arrangement lets her have her cake and eat it, too. Just when she’s getting comfortable, puzzling visions of impending danger at home begin to haunt her dreams. And if personal issues aren’t troubling enough, Lynlee and the entire organization of Neutralizers go on alert when a phantom creature begins staging magical episodes on live television. If they can’t put a stop to the sensational events, all hell will break loose in the human world. Can Lynlee keep both her new family and the world safe without getting swallowed up in the process?


Amazon | iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Smashwords

And be sure you're caught up on all the other stories before this one drops!
Trolling for Trouble- Olivia Hardin (2)FREE! Magical and undead creatures can get into plenty of sticky situations. Lynlee Lincoln loves her job as a neutralizer, but she needs a break from the supernatural chaos after an ultra-busy Halloween night. Coming home, she's ready to collapse into her bed and forget the day... until she discovers two children scavenging through her refrigerator. One look at the pair and she feels a tug on her heartstrings, then she learns their father is the man she spent years trying to forget. When Beck pleads with her to help save his daughter, Lynlee gets thrust into a heap of trouble.
Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000032_00020]Lynlee Lincoln isn’t just a witch, she’s also a Neutralizer. Her job is a juggling act to keep magical and undead clients out of trouble. But getting back together with her old flame throws one more ball into the mix and romance with a guy who has two kids can get complicated. When her old mentor asks her to investigate the goings-on of a dark witch, things turn messy. The witch is stalking supernatural creatures to collect ingredients for a potion that Lynlee can’t seem to figure out. To keep those closest to her from becoming the next victims, she may have to confront the demons within herself.
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo | Smashwords Trouble with Holidays (3)And get the prequel to the series in A Christmas Yet to Come Anthlogy: Falling for a human who doesn’t believe in magic was the last thing Lynlee Lincoln needed. Beck Hale was a young architect and she was a Neutralizer-in-training—they were drawn together, but worlds apart. When Beck’s apartment gets flooded, she invites him to her home for Christmas. Lynlee tries to ignore the pull of the mistletoe, but after all, ‘tis the season. Amazon | iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords   olivia hardin pic b&w.jpgAbout the Author: When Olivia Hardin started having movie-like dreams in her teens, she had no choice but to begin putting them to paper. Before long, the writing bug had bitten her, and she knew she wanted to be a published author. Several rejections plus a little bit of life later, she was temporarily “cured” of the urge to write. That is, until she met a group of talented and fabulous writers who gave her the direction and encouragement she needed to get lost in the words again. Olivia has attended three different universities over the years and toyed with majors in Computer Technology, English, History and Geology. Then one day she heard the term “road scholar,”' and she knew that was what she wanted to be. Now she “studies” anything and everything just for the joy of learning. She's also an insatiable crafter who only completes about 1 out of 5 projects, a jogger who hates to run, and she’s sometimes accused of being artistic. A native Texas girl, Olivia lives in the beautiful Lone Star state with her husband, Danny and their puppy, Bonnie.

Connect with Olivia and Get information about releases, contests, news and more here:

Website | Newsletter | Twitter | Facebook

Monday, October 6, 2014

Blush Cover Reveal!

Blush (Book #2 in the Rockstar series).
Release Date: December 11, 2014.

You know how people say they woke up in Vegas married and you're like, how the hell could that possibly happen? Who does that? Well, us apparently… and the press is going to have a field day.
Good times.

Falling Down - (Rockstar #1)  Only 99¢


Also available in print!

Author Links: