Thursday, November 13, 2014

Assumptions Release Day


What happens when a girl set on playing by the rules …

Leeann Bradley is a college graduate who has achieved many of her personal goals, all because she follows the rules she’s set for herself. It’s simple. You work hard, enjoy life, surround yourself with friends and family, avoid jumping to conclusions … and oh yeah, don’t date jocks. These rules have worked well and have taken her down the path she wants in life. So what’s a girl to do when temptation, in the form of a sexy college soccer player, is placed right in the middle of that path? Deciding when to break the rules has never been easier for Leeann. But when assumptions are made, and more than just the rules are broken … will she be able to find her way down that path again? And what happens when it’s no longer the path she’s meant to take?

Finds a guy worth breaking them for …

Until now, Jonathan Baxter had one primary focus in his life, soccer. All decisions made, have been based on how it could affect his ability to play soccer. His grades, his choice of college, any type of extracurricular activities, were all carefully assessed. All of it has made playing college soccer possible. But when an injury sidelines him for the foreseeable future, and jeopardizes his dreams, he has to work even harder than before. Rehabilitating his injury becomes his primary objective. Until he meets Leeann, a physical therapy assistant whose touch has the ability to make him lose focus. She has him thinking there could be more in his life—in his future—than just soccer. So what’s Jonathan to do when Leeann assumes he’s just like every other jock out there? He has to prove her assumptions wrong.



“So, Leeann. I was thinking of asking you out on a date, but figured I should make sure there wasn’t a Mr. Leeann in the picture,” I stated matter-of-factly, taking another bite of my salad. Rather than respond right away, she gave me an amused look. I really liked that I amused her. It did great things for my ego.

“A Mr. Leeann?” she inquired.

I nodded, liking my choice of words. “Yeah. You know, a member of the opposite sex who you’ve attached yourself to. Maybe even have Cobb salads with. Although I’m sure there would be other things you do with a Mr. Leeann, but we don’t need to bring those up. I prefer to just think of you eating Cobb salads with him.”

She tried to conceal a snort by covering her mouth with a napkin, but I caught it. It was cute as hell. That unruly dick of mine began to make himself known again. I was actually surprised it had taken that long for him to realize she was within a five-foot radius. Maybe the temporary jolt of pain I got almost falling allowed for the delayed response. Fortunately, I’d taken Leeann’s advice from the other day and worn shorts that were a little more concealing.

When she removed the napkin, she smiled broadly. “Well, there really isn’t anyone else I eat Cobb salads with. Except you, of course. But—”

I interrupted her, “Perfect! That makes me your Mr. Leeann. I can totally be that for you. Except I could definitely see us doing more than eating Cobb salads together.”

Now she was giggling, and I couldn’t help but watch her as that simple sound exploded in my ears. It swirled around me, making me want more. When she slowed down the giggling, she asked, “So you can see me doing more with you, huh?”

My hands were clasped together, and I rested my elbows on the table, leaning forward a little. I lowered my voice and said, “Oh yeah.” The husky tone caught her attention, and she leaned forward in response. So I continued, “I could definitely see us doing more than eating Cobb salads. We could always try the Caesar, or even a Greek salad together. How do you feel about pizza?”

Leeann burst out laughing, and I couldn’t control every part of my body that responded without delay. There I was, joking with this sexy woman, dick at full attention, and all I could do was stare … and plan.

I needed to make a plan that involved making her laugh like that for me … every damn day.


Melanie is an amazing mother of four, an awesome and tolerant wife to one, and nurse to many. If you don't believe her, just ask anyone in her family, they know what to say. She is also a devoted chauffeur, the keeper of missing socks, a genius according to a seven year old, the coolest soccer uniform coordinator according to a thirteen year old, and the best damn mac-n-cheese-with-cut-up-hot-dog maker in the whole world. Well that last title isn't really official, but it's still pretty cool to be called it.

When not being ordered around by any of the kids, you can find her with her nose in a book or on the sideline of a soccer game cheering on one team or another. But that's mostly because she has a thing for the coach. When not doing all of the above, you can find her obsessed with a group of fictional characters all vying for a spot on the page of whatever she's working on. It's a fun and crazy life to lead, but she wouldn't have it any other way.


@MelanieCodina  (under construction at the moment)


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Chronicles of Steele: Raven Review

RavenTourBannerRaven_ebookPromoThis is the complete Steampunk Fantasy novel – all four parts of the serial in one volume! Human life has value. The poor living in the gutter is as valuable as the rich living in a manor. The scoundrel is no less valuable than the saint. Because of this, every life a reaper takes must be redeemed. Raven has lived by this first tenet since she was trained by her father to become a reaper. But since his death, she’s been spending years redeeming the lives she’s taken. By her count, she’s even and it’s time for that life to end. If she settles down and becomes a wife, she might just feel human again. But on the way to the life she thinks she wants, the baron of New Haven asks her to complete a task which she cannot ignore… Just when Raven decides to give up on her life as an assassin, she’s pulled right back in.

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  My review:

First off let me say that I'm not normally a huge steam punk fan. That being said I seriously loved this series!!! Pauleen Creeden sure knows what she's doing with telling a compelling story. I found myself staying up for just one more page, I couldn't seem to stop.

I loved the fact that I really felt like I knew all the characters. I really enjoyed all the steam powered things like the horses. I also really liked Raven's character, and the reapers.

For those of you who enjoy steam punk or fantasy, I seriously think you should pick this one up! I don't like to post a lot of teasers or plot points in my reviews because I think you all should find out for yourself!!

5 enthusiastic stars!!!

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Pauline CreedenPauline Creeden

Pauline Creeden is a horse trainer from Virginia, but writing is her therapy. In her fiction, she creates worlds that are both familiar and strange, often pulling the veil between dimensions. She becomes the main character in each of her stories, and because she has ADD, she will get bored if she pretends to be one person for too long.
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