I'd say the #1 question I get asked on a daily basis is....so, what it author coaching anyway? And why do I need it? Before I get into that, let me give you a bit of background into who I am as a person. I've been writing since 2011, I write in a few genres. (but I read in sooooo many) Right after I started writing, I saw the need for more promotion after publishing, so I also became the Release Day Diva. I did Facebook events for a few years and had a ton of fun doing them! But, everything changes eventually right? I made the decision to stop the events, and moved on to something brand new! I started offering what I called "Boot Camps" where we were together for one week and writing huge amounts every day. That was the starting point to something so huge for me, that it took me almost 2 years to see it fully. On that day, I became an author coach and didn't realize it.
Fast forward to December 2016. This was the month that really changed my life. I told myself I wanted to see what would happen if I really gave this author coaching thing a real try and took it seriously for a whole year. I told myself that if it didn't work out in the year, then I would know I gave it my all. Let me tell you, 4 months into the new year and I've surpassed every goal I set for myself in December. It's brought so many amazing ladies into my life, and I'm beyond blessed to work with each and every one of them. I've been able to renew friendships with people (KP I'm talking about you) and I even have hired the most amazing assistant in the entire world! Kallie is also an author, and that's originally how we met. God brought us together to do great things!
So back to the question at hand, what is an author coach? What I do is help you succeed. I walk along side you as you write your book and keep you motivated and excited about it. I hold you accountable on days that you don't feel like writing, and I listen when you need an ear. I always tell my authors to think of me as a tool in their tool chest, ready to help at any moment they need it. My motto is, Just Write! I want to help take everything away so you can sit down and Just Write!
Why do you need me? That's the question you need to ask yourself. Are you unhappy with how things are in your writing right now? Are you ready to go all in with it, but need some help? Are you struggling with self doubt? I promise, I can help.
Above anything else, I'm here for you as the whole person. I don't just look at the writing. I need to be able to see why you're struggling in order to help you get over the hurdle. We all have struggles, we all go through dark times. I just want you to know that you're never alone, and there is help out there for you.

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